Friday, November 1, 2013

A Family Tree

A Family Tree…..

Hi everyone… recently my family had a reunion of sorts. It was very bittersweet being there. On one hand I got to see family I haven’t seen in a while, family I don’t get to see that often and family that I met for the first time. Any time our family gets together under those circumstances we are going to have a good time, we just roll that way! Between the talking and laughing we manage to put away some good food and give & receive lots of hugs.


A special part of this gathering was the old home movies playing on the stage.  While we ate and visited you could watch and hear different family members say, “LOOK! It’s (insert name here)!!” “Wow, look at all the hair he had back then, haha” or “AWw, look at how little (insert name here) was back then! Oh how they’ve grown” I loved it!! So many changes…the good ol’ days

I said at the beginning that for me it was bittersweet, because as much as I enjoyed it , I found myself looking around the room, the same place we have gathered on & off for over 2o years (Scottsboro Community Center) and realizing how many faces were missing. Some who couldn’t make it and some who were hopefully there in spirit. I watched the home movies with giggles and holding back a few tears at times when the TV screen filled with our loved ones that have moved on to Heaven… gone but definitely never forgotten <3


My cousin Gail Williams has been working on our Family Tree for some time now and her hard work was on display that day. Let me tell ya, our roots are deep, our trunk is wide and the branches are plentiful! Glory to God! Let me say that I am honored to be included on one of those branches……..  


Like a tree, a family is a living thing. It flourishes in the Summer, sheds its Autumn glory, endures the rough Winter and lives to grow again. For me that means when we gather, whether it be 2 or 82 of us, we Flourish (to sustain continuous steady strong growth) We Shed God’s glory on one another for we are all embedded with the belief in Christ as our Savior, We Endure our heartbreaking loses & troubled times by leaning on one another, literally and in Prayer (people, Prayer is AWESOME!) and each year we have tiny new additions that keeps our tree alive & growing.

Without roots and that enduring love & support we wouldn’t be who we are or where we are. There is a little piece of each and every one of us growing upward in our Family Tree. So from me to ALL of you I say Thank you and I Love you!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Seasons Change….

FYI.. the 1st day of Fall isn’t until September 22nd but for some reason, myself and quite a few other people I’ve come across seem to be ready for it now, as in TOMORROW !

Other than letting our legs grow their winter coats or at least attempt to do so (hubby has his limits) there are many more reasons we love to see Autumn taking place. Not much unlike the way we feel about the transition from Winter into Spring. Change is inevitable, whether it be seasons, our lives or ourselves.

For today’s Blog let’s focus on the seasons….maybe tomorrow I’ll take on the others :)

SPRING  VS.  AUTUMN/FALL………….. they are both equals as far as I’m concerned. So when I say VS. it’s more of a highlight on each one rather than a competition.

Summer is great and Winter can be a wonderland, but there’s just something about Spring & Fall that sends me into a tizzy…                                                        Webster’s dictionary defines “Tizzy” as: A highly excited and distracted state of mind. So yeap, they send me there, literally. My manic phases show their creative & hyper little selves during the transitional months of March, April & May and then again during August, September & October.

The following things could be listed as triggers, signs or favorite things… never the less, they are all cues that a change is a comin’…

#1. Birds chirping  VS.  Geese flying South.. There’s nothing like getting woke up in the morning to that sweet sound of the first chirps of Springuntil the new wears off and we threaten to throw rocks at those same birds 2 weeks later ..and what a beautiful sight to see how the geese form those perfect V’s every Fall as the head deeper Southuntil the black birds decide to follow suit in flying South in droves and rest in the trees by your house leaving a poop field behind.

#2. Trees budding & flowers blooming  VS.  Leaves changing colors & Mums for sale.. How excited we get when seeing the beginnings of plant life every Spring! .until it’s time to trim the trees & the darling little children pick all your Heirloom Iris’s …sorry Mama/Jean Morgan, I promise they will grow back and Maddie-Layla-Ethan won’t do it again..hopefully :)                                                                                            Oh, how beautiful the Fall colors are and how lucky are we to live in Tennessee to witness the awesomeness of this event each year! well, until it’s time to rake all those leaves up and bruise ourselves to pieces from slipping and tripping on all those various fallen nuts. I also love Mums…except they are too expensive and they dry up and die before Fall is even over.

#3. Fresh cut grass  VS.  Tobacco barns smokin’ … Breath it all in…aaahhh.. Oh how I love the aromas of both of those things! Talk about an easy peaceful feelin’..makes me smile & feel warm insidealso makes me sneeze, eyes water & gives me a sinus infection every time.

#4. Birds building their new nests  VS.  Squirrels gathering nuts for the winter…. How cool is it when you see those tiny little bluebirds building their nests out of twigs, grass & pieces of discarded stringuntil after they lay their eggs and become the most territorial and aggressive birds around. Just look at what they did to my car!

Those squirrels.. well aren’t they just the cutest things! Trying to carry all those nuts and acorns around, scurrying all over the yard…. and dropping them all over the top of your house at 4:30 in the morning which sounds like mini bombs going off on your new metal roof and fighting each other for the one that rolled away.



#5. Ocean Breeze & Sunflowers candles  VS.  Pumpkin Spice & Cinnamon Potpourri..                                                                                                      What? ...that’s all…nothing more to see hear…move on…….                                   

#6. Getting the swimming pool ready  VS. Getting the fire pit ready ……  Everybody is all anxious about that first swim of the season! Buying oils, sunblocks & floats. Planning family BBQ’s and waiting for the temps to get in the 80’s …..but then you realize you “forgot” to lose that extra ?pounds during the winter and the sunburn you’re gonna get because you forgot to reapply the lotion…oops :(
…. And that first fire J a little wine, some hotdogs and all the makings for those yummy melty smores..yuuuummmmthen you remember how much your clothes are gonna reek from all that smoke from the fire because your hubby used some old oil & gas to start it and there’s always “somebody” that has one glass of wine too many and drops 5 out of the 12 hotdogs you have into the FLAMING ROARING fire, by the way, it’s FLAMING & ROARING now because one of the MEN decided it wasn’t a big enough fire so they threw some more gas on it!

Oh, and the smores you’ve been waiting for, well the same wino that dropped the hotdogs in the fire has gotten the munchies and eaten most of the chocolate leaving you with broken graham crackers sticky marshmallows (sticky due to their spilt wine)

#7. Tank tops  VS.  Chunky sweaters …. Warm weather, WOOHOO! Time to pull out the summer clothes! ….until you see how your arms look in those sleeveless shirts forcing you to either start lifting weights and doing thousands of arm circle exercises or say, “I don’t care!” and throw caution to the wind (just like your upper arms every time you get excited and raise your arms high in the air and clap or wave at folks!)                                                                                                                          ….As far as the chunky sweaters, well there’s no real downside to them. If you’re a Skinny heifer Girl then you are just as cute & comfy looking as can be and if you’re a Healthy plump Girl then big ole sweaters are great camouflage :)

#8. Boat rides down the river  VS.  Hayrides down the back roads… Time to crank up that motor and head down to the lake! We can’t wait for the smells of the outdoors and feel the rush as we tube down that river ….but then you get smacked with the stench of waste from all the spring floods and speaking of smacked, wait till one of those dang Asian Carp jumps up out of the water and smacks you right upside the head! Yeah folks, they’ve begun their Tennessee invasion! Google it :)
                                                                                                                                      Everybody loves a Hayride! Jumping on that trailer with your family & friends grabbing the blankets and hot cocoa, telling ghost stories or singing campfire songs…. yeah, it’s all fun and thrills until that crazy Uncle in the family jumps out & scares the kids and you have to spend the trip back to the house consoling them and reassuring them there is no such thing as MONSTERS!
#9. Picking peaches  VS. Carving pumpkins … ain’t nothing like a good ole Georgia peach, even the ones from Alabama are pretty juicyjust don’t get too carried away and buy 6 bushels of the things and panic because there’s no way you’re ever gonna be able to can them all before they rot !                                                                        

Those pumpkins… so many things you can do with those pumpkins. Eat them, decorate them, decorate WITH them … just don’t forget that they are organic in nature so they will spoil & rot! (that’s for you folks that insist on leaving them on your front porches until Christmas time)
…….And last, but not least
#10. Opening up all the windows to let that fresh air in  VS.   Washing all the comfy quilts & throws to cover up with because of the chill in the night air……   
What? …… you expected me to have a negative twist to these 2 things… ain’t happenin’
So… there’s my Top 10 List of things concerning Spring & Fall… In all seriousness, I LOVE both of those times of year. It’s when I feel at the top of my game, it’s when I feel like anything and everything is possible.. it’s when I feel most ALIVE, the electricity that flows from the inside to the out is awesome and those around me can see it themselves.


There’s a Ying & Yang to everything, even seasons. I’ll take it, because without one you couldn’t have the other and I would probably just melt away like Frosty the Snowman or become frozen in ice like a woolly mammoth during the winter no I do NOT think I am a mammoth thank you very much   if I couldn’t re-charge my batteries twice a year.                                                                                  I have been blessed abundantly in so many ways… Our home here on Heavenly Hill is just one of those blessings. It’s here that I have finally found peace and it’s here that I get to enjoy EVERY Season of the year!

 Ok, but Spring & Fall are still my favorites. Don’t tell Old Man Winter or Sonny Summer, they wouldn’t understand :)

Spring time on Heavenly Hill….

Flux from my Nanny's & blooming bushes out front





Autumn time on Heavenly Hill….

A small piece of our front yard <3

Friday, July 12, 2013

Happy Wife…Happy Life…..huuuummmm?

This is true ya know… we definitely set the mood for our home and those who are in it. So it’s in the husband’s best interest to keep a smile on your face. Not an easy task always, I’ll give them that much.

Sometimes it’s the simplest of things that makes us so darn happy happy happy… things like taking out the trash before it’s overflowing, putting the toilet seat down as opposed to leaving EVERY seat up in EVERY bathroom in the house, grooming the dogs so that they don’t shed all over the carpet immediately after you’ve JUST vacuumed, listen to our endless chatter about our day of grocery shopping and how much you wanted to smack that lady at the store for talking on her cell phone & rudely blocking the isle to the Weight Watchers ice cream selections, and speaking of that honey I am starting a new diet! Now let me tell you all about that for the next 35 minutes… You get the point

There’s other ways they make us happy.. they show enthusiasm when we seem to be all giddy about a new project we are starting (even if they are sure it’s another phase and we’ll quickly grow bored of it) They tell us how much they love us and how much better they are for having us in their life (even though we drive them absolute batty at times) They make you feel like you’re pretty and desired even when you are feeling bloated and hideous… They make you feel like, uh, well “A Natural Woman”

Too cheezy? Sorry … I digress J
My point to all of this is we need & want them, We= us womens Them= our mens, to do those things for us, and there’s nothing wrong with that...But in return we need to keep in mind that they to need & want from us also. Because ……………

A Happy Husband Today is One that will Stay

…… Ok, sorry, I’ll stop with the one liners…even though it’s fitting
I’m all for equality and women’s lib and all that jazz. I want to walk BY my husband’s side not behind him. I want my opinion to count and to be heard. I don’t wear petticoats and I don’t always shave my legs (you know so that I don’t poke him to death at night) I don’t always have on a fresh coat of paint when he rises in the morning (you know, so I don’t scare him silly) I mean, he did marry me for better or for worse J

What I do have is a genuine interest in HIS day and sit patiently listening to all the details of how so&so didn’t do his job correctly and that put extra work on his plate and how this machine needed a new thingymabob and that machine broke it’s axel and he had to build a whatchmadoosey. I don’t nag the dickens out of him about the left up toilet seat and the water he left all over the bathroom floor after his shower or about the fact that he washed the dogs using my expensive hair conditioner… ‘cause sometimes ya know, it’s the simplest of things.
There are other ways I make him happy..I show him enthusiasm when he talks about his new project car or garage he’s gonna build (even though I’m sure it’s another phase and he’ll soon move on to another project) I make sure I tell him often how much I love him and how so very much better my life is with him in it (even though there are times he drives me batty J ) I let him know how handsome I think he is and give hugs & kisses out to him like candy. I let him know that I feel blessed when I think about “Us”

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times.. but always with the same person” …Marriage is NOT 50/50, sometimes it’s 60/40 or 80/20 but a good one will always balance itself out. It’s important not to become apathetic or inattentive to your husband… for if you do, you may just not like what you end up with. And for you hubbys out there same goes for you!
Love one another deeply, Laugh often, Hugs & Kisses should be given without having to be asked for… if you’re not “feeling it” then you need to address it and fix it…

Aaahhh.. it’s so great having gained all this knowledge along with my ever appearing gray hairs and weakened eyesight otherwise known as aging :P
**DISCLAIMER** the thoughts and opinions expressed in this Blog are those of an Extremely satisfied & happy wife. They may or may not reflect those of another woman. If you find this insightful, helpful and or funny then I wish you all the same happiness as I … if you find any of this offensive, demeaning or blah then please call 555-kis-grits

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My Daddy....

July 10th .... Today is my Daddy's Birthday, he would have been 66 years old and we would've had a celebration for him with lots of food, silliness & gifts (and he would have told us, "y'all shouldn't have done this" ) .... but not this year, we lost Daddy this past December.. So, instead of celebrating his birthday today I'm going to celebrate the Life he lived & the Love he gave.
The loss of a Daddy is a heavy burden to bear,
He's a source of quiet strength that is so missed when he's not there.
We take comfort that he's in Heaven looking down & shining through,
He'll be there through the coming years, watching over us and guiding to.
He's our very own Guardian Angel, and he'll be with us till the end.
When we meet again in Heaven and our broken hearts will finally mend....
My Daddy was serious, yet silly. He was firm, yet yielding. He was strong...Strong in strength, mind & heart. He was a loving husband, Daddy, Pawpaw, brother and friend. Although he wasn't without flaws, in my heart he made up for it tenfold. There were many demons he had to fight through in his lifetime and I think he succeeded in doing so. I believe if he had been given the choice to stay or go he most definitely would have stayed because he loved us so much. But life doesn't work that way and his time on Earth was done. So now we have a special Angel in Heaven... Our Daddy <3
Daddy worked as a Drywall man for many years. I remember wondering how in the world did Mama keep getting all that drywall mud washed off his clothes...

Daddy could play the guitar & sing very well. He even wrote a song that was produced & published by another singer, "Let's Go to God's House for Christmas" . He couldn't sing that song without making us girls cry..... "Let's go to God's house for Christmas, daddy please don't cry, it ain't so far away. Let's go to God's house for Christmas. Then we'll be there with mommy, to spend the holiday".... (I'm pretty sure he wrote this song in memory of his mama)

Daddy liked to hunt, and was quite good at that also.  I remember one time, he had shot a deer in the woods behind the house and couldn't drag it out by himself so he had to run all the way up to the house to get mama to help him. He was so out of breath from excitement and running that mama thought he was having a heart attack. hahaha

Daddy liked to fish to, especially with my Uncle Earl, his best buddy. Lots of Fish Tales & Waffle House stories between those 2 I'm sure.
My Daddy was a very smart man. He was book smart and street smart. No one could beat him at Trivial Pursuit (the original one in the blue box, the really hard one!) Some people know a little bit about a lot of stuff, but Daddy knew a lot of stuff about a lot of things.

Our Daddy was a Vietnam Veteran. He was very proud to have served and to be a Veteran of the United States Navy

Daddy bought himself a Karaoke system and loved to have Karaoke night at his house! He just loved having his sisters, Brenda, Sheila, Joyce & June to come over and sing all those Do-Whap & Oldie but Goody country songs. He also like it when me & my sisters were there singing to. Daddy would tell me how beautiful my voice was and how that we sounded like Angels singing.. (although I can carry a tune, I definitely wouldn't use beautiful or Angelic when describing my voice..but hearing my Daddy tell me that was the best thing!) 

Daddy LOVED the ocean, Gulf Shores was his favorite. In 2010 our whole family got a huge beach house in OBX and that's a vacation I will always remember...

Our Daddy LOVED Mama, that was for sure. They had 42 years together xoxoxo


Daddy sure did Love us girls to.. I feel that he had comfort in knowing that we were all doing well in life and that he had helped to raise 4 Great Daughters..... (even if I do say so myself :) )

The list of who all has been loved by Daddy goes on & on.. his Grandkids & Great Grandkids were all sparkles in his eyes....
This is an entire year of "firsts" for me, my sisters & mama. It's proving itself to be a hard one. I have my good days and my not so good days..... today is a mix of both. 

Happy Birthday Daddy... I hope your spending this day surrounded by love, music and laughter. I love you Daddy <3
If tears could build a stairway and thoughts a memory lane,
I'd walk right up to Heaven and bring you home again.
Since you'll never be forgotten, I promise you today,
A special place within my heart is where you'll always stay...