Everybody has a mental list of those little things that seem to just get under your skin. They are silly if noted out loud but when it's actually happening it can make you just wanna slap the pickle out of somebody's hand :) Here are just a few of mine.....
* People who drive 68 mph in the left hand lane
* Tractor Trailer drivers that get in the left lane and slow down traffic just to pass the ONE semi in front of them
* People who come up out of nowhere and fly up on your rear doing 90 mph in the left lane
........... Yes, I do think I own the left hand lane :)
{sidenote: ever notice if someone's driving too slow it's irritating and if they are driving too fast it's just as irritating? I'm just sayin'...}
* You slice your tongue licking an envelope
* When you open a can of soup and the lid falls in
* When you are in need of a salesperson you can't find one anywhere, but when you want to be left alone they are everywhere and asking you, "Are you finding everything Ok?" One day I'm gonna reply, "No I'm not. I seem to have lost my marbles" or maybe I'll just carry a bag of peanuts so when the 5th salesperson in a row asks me, "Is there something I can help you with?" I will take them from my purse and say, "Could you hold my nuts for me while I look through this rack of jeans?" ...did I go too far? hehe
* When you had that pen in your hand a minute ago and now you can't find it ANYWHERE!
* When the person that is in line BEHIND me at the store runs AHEAD of me when they open up a new line
* When you have to try on sunglasses at the store with that stupid plastic thingy in the center of them
And to top it all off....
* You step in dog poop and don't notice until you've gotten in your car and are driving down the road!
Well I hope I made you giggle a little today. If you want to leave some of your own "little irritations" in comments feel free :)
when your talking to someone and someone else buts in to give their opinion, that you did not ask for.or when you drive through Plesant View and a cop pulls in behind you and follows you all the way home/so you have to do the speed limit.---MawMaw