Hey Y'all .... I know it's truly been a hot minute since I last Blogged. It hasn't been for a lack of subject matter I can promise you that. Lack of time & motivation would be more like it. So very much has happened in & around my life over the last 9 months that if I tried to fit it all in one Blog the content would be removed and condensed into a mini novel...seriously...no kidding. So hopefully this will be the beginning of more Blogs to come. My new goal is to complete at least one a week....
This Blog will be the lighter side of things, well actually the HEAVY......
Today I went to lunch with some family (another Blog in the works) we ate at a restaurant called Caney Fork River Valley out by Opryland Hotel. Trying to decide what to order off their menu was not easy. Trying to decide what to order off their menu that was Healthy was dang near impossible, geeezzz. Your choices were fried this & battered that or smothered in gravy & cheeses. Listen folks, their house burger was named, "Cholesterol Buster" !!
I'm looking at the menu, watching the waiters bring baskets full of deep fried corn fritters covered in confectioners sugar to all the tables, refilling our HUGE glasses of sweet teas & cokes before we could even finish the first ones, and then.....I had an epiphany....
Southerners are not meant to be skinny! It's just not in our DNA anymore. I think we are expected to be fat & jolly, pleasant & plump, Yeah...big ol' thangs with a sweet Southern twang. Well you know what? You can KISS MY GRITS!!
This Blog will be the lighter side of things, well actually the HEAVY......
Today I went to lunch with some family (another Blog in the works) we ate at a restaurant called Caney Fork River Valley out by Opryland Hotel. Trying to decide what to order off their menu was not easy. Trying to decide what to order off their menu that was Healthy was dang near impossible, geeezzz. Your choices were fried this & battered that or smothered in gravy & cheeses. Listen folks, their house burger was named, "Cholesterol Buster" !!
I'm looking at the menu, watching the waiters bring baskets full of deep fried corn fritters covered in confectioners sugar to all the tables, refilling our HUGE glasses of sweet teas & cokes before we could even finish the first ones, and then.....I had an epiphany....
Southerners are not meant to be skinny! It's just not in our DNA anymore. I think we are expected to be fat & jolly, pleasant & plump, Yeah...big ol' thangs with a sweet Southern twang. Well you know what? You can KISS MY GRITS!!
I mean, think about it... if it can be fried, we gonna fry it and eerrrrbody knows we love a good tempura batter and who ain't been down to the awful Waffle and ordered themselves a big ol' helpin' of some Smothered & Covered with a side of chili... and Sweet Tea, honey we make & drank that stuff by the gallon. And if that ain't enough for ya then how about this summer we go down to one of our county fairs and get ourselves some Deep Fried Oreos, Twinkies, Snicker bars,or Butter! Yes Ma'am, you heard me right..Deep..Fried..Butter. Um UM Um Um GoOOOoD! Aw heck, they'll even deep fry you some Kool-Aid. What, you doubt me? You shouldn't... I know such things :)
I have been dealing with losing the Battle of the Bulge for some time now, and just when I feel like "I've Got This!" it all falls to pieces on me (wish's it were pieces falling OFF of me)
I mean, I try... I promise I do. I buy fresh this and organic that. Low calorie, complex carbs, flax seed, chai seeds. I eat clean, stay away from the fast food & the easy peesy isle at the Super Wal Mart

WHY? WHy Why why is it so hard to eat right & get tight? Maybe, just maybe it's because for the last 44 years I've done the complete opposites of ALL I'm trying to do now. Who knows... what I do know is that I won't quit trying. You should never EVER stop trying to do better in all that you do and all that you are...but, I AM going to stop beating myself up when I find myself not "on top of it". I'm gonna quit playing hide-n-seek with the bathroom scales, which by the way I've put away and will NOT be using since I refuse to allow a Number determine whether or not I'm worthy of being allowed outside during daylight hours amongst other human beings that may or may not judge me. I'm not the Hunchback of Notre Dame and I don't have horns protruding from my forehead. SO, if you're looking at me I guess that you find me to be quite Awesome and extra sparkly that day! (sparkly like glitter, not Edward Cullen from Twilight)
I know I'm not alone in this never ending saga because, like sands through the hour glass...these are the Days of Our Lives...and hopefully The Guiding Light will keep me on the path to health & fitness, for if not, I could wind up at General Hospital. I do understand that I only have One Life To Live and that I can't always be like I use to be, you know...Young & Restless. I feel that surely As the World Turns I can and will choose to be Bold & Beautiful.............
.....cue the sappy music
Along this journey of mine I've made some new friends. Two of whom I've grown oddly fond of... Paula Dean & Jillian Michaels... and these two heffers had better learn how to get along 'cause some days I may spend time with both of them and some days I might just wanna spend a little more time with one rather than the other
As for today, me & Paula are at home wearing our comfy pants, eating a little bit of Belgian Milk Chocolate Gelato, watching one of my favorite chick flicks and thinking up new ways to cook with butter..
Maybe tomorrow I'll spend some time with Jillian doing lunges, planks, crunches and sweating like a pig..........
........Uhm, maybe
Omg you said it moma!
ReplyDeleteYou sush your mouth skinny Heather. Back in the day I could eat all the southern fried/double cheese whopper/super sized fries I wanted and never gained an ounce. Somebody done went and changed thangs cause now I look at food and gain weight, what's up that?